Reading aloud will help your baby be a better reader when she's older ||The more you help your toddler put his feelings into words (“I’m mad. I want the truck.” “I’m sad. I can’t find my bear.”), the less they will show aggressive behaviour. ||The sun is the most important source of Vit D ||Reflux is common in newborns. Most babies outgrow reflux between the time they are 1 and 2 years old ||AAP recommends to avoid blankets (a potential suffocation hazard) until your baby reaches her first birthday ||Newborns are expected to lose some weight after delivery due to fluid loss. Don’t worry ||After the first hectic weeks, babies take longer naps at predictable times. And you'll become a much better time manager ||2- Breastfeeding your new baby ...Breast milk provides all the nutrients that babies need for the first six months of their life and guards against many illnesses and allergies. Also, breastfeeding can help build a special closeness with your baby. Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. ||To keep the eye free of infection, massage inner lower corner of the eye twice daily to empty it of old fluids ||By rising the temperature, the body can stop a virus's ability to grow. That's why we get fevers ||
2009-2010 Influenza Season Triage Algorithm for Children (≤18 years) With Influenza-Like Illness

Child with all of the following present:

Fever or feels feverish (if no thermometer available).

Irritability or cough or vomiting.

Sore throat.

               Yes                                                                                                     No

Influenza like illness                                                                        Other Diagnoses


   IF                                                                                               IF not

Fast breathing
Dehydrated (no urine for 8 hours)

Has a chronic disease as:                            No

Severe or persistent vomiting                                                    

Asthma or any chronic chest disease
Flu like symptoms improved but returned or worsened in one or few days
Mental retardation
Haematological disease
Pain in chest
Heart, Renal, Hepatic disease
Should seek immediate medical care at:
Fever hospitals (El-Abbaseya, Embaba)

Call 105 (hotline of Ministry of health for Swine flu) for nearby private hospitals.


Child less than two years                

Ask for medical consultation as this age is at higher risk for influenza complications at:

Mychildguide centers (24/7, hotline 2356)

Private hospitals and clinics.

Public hospitals.


Child two or more years

This age is at lower risk for complications from influenza and may not require testing or treatment if their symptoms are mild. If having concerns about the child’s health, it is recommended to contact the child’s healthcare provider.

To help reducing spread of influenza to others, these patients should:

Keep away from others to a suitable distance (at least one meter)

Cover their coughs and sneezes.
Avoid sharing utensils.

Wash their hands frequently with soap and water or alcohol-based hand rubs.

Stay home (e.g., no school, child care, group activities) until 24 hours after their fever resolves without the use of antipyretics.


If patient lives with a person at higher risk for complications of influenza as:

Age <2 or age 65 or older.
Or someone with:

Chronic chest disease (including asthma), cardiovascular (except isolated hypertension), renal, hepatic, hematological. Or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus). Seizure disorders, or other neuromuscular disorders)

Child on chronic aspirin therapy

The higher risk contacts of these patients should be advised to contact their health care provider.

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Beverly Hills

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Beverly Hills, Building 29 services, behind Super Market Al Mokhtar, floor 1.




El Tagamo3

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Elegantry Mall, Unit 221

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Al Sheikh Zayed

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Al Sheikh Zayed - Entrance 2,Downtown Mall - In-front of Spectra ,First Floor - Clinic 113


02- 38514031


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